AndHow! Antique Telephones
Classic Wall Telephones
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Stock #1624-wlclas:
Automatic Electric wall Monophone telephone, rare, works fine - $275.
*** SOLD ***
Stock #1291-wlclas:
Automatic Electric 50 "jukebox" wall phone, black with black handset and black dial wheel, good condition - $175.
*** SOLD ***
Stock #:
Northern Electric black wall telephone, nice condition, works fine - $150.
Stock #WE354RB:
Western Electric 354 black wall telephone, nice condition - $125.
Stock #1816-wlclas:
Stromberg Carlson wall telephone, special two-stage hangup switch, fully functional, good condition - $125.
Prices do not include shipping and handling on antique telephones.
Please include Page and Stock Number of antique telephones on all correspondence.
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